We believe Mary TV is one of the most important fruits of Medjugorje for us all. For those who may never get to visit this sacred place, all of the events and the spirit of Medjugorje is brought right into our very own homes. And for those who are fortunate enough to make this pilgrimage, Mary TV brings renewal and support for all the graces you receive. This is the story of its remarkable development.
In 1989, Denis and Cathy Nolan, along with some other wonderful friends in South Bend, Indiana, began one of the first national Medjugorje Conferences in the United States. Their purpose, “the conferences were an attempt to get the bushel basket off of Medjugorje so people could find out about it.” Through their efforts, thousands of people were enlightened about the miraculous apparitions and life-changing effects of the holy place. There was such a need.
“When (still) a cardinal in 1976, Pope John Paul ll told the American bishops gathered in Baltimore: ‘We are now standing in the face of the greatest historical confrontation humanity has ever experienced. I do not think that the wide circle of the American society, or the whole wide circle of the Christian community realize this fully. We are now facing the final confrontation between the Church and the anti-church, between the Gospel and the anti-gospel, between Christ and the antichrist. The confrontation lies within the plans of Divine Providence. It is, therefore, in God’s Plan, and it’s a trial which the Church must take up and face courageously…’ Five years later Our Lady started coming to Medjugorje, prompting Pope John Paul ll to say, ‘Medjugorje is the spiritual center of the world’”. (Denis Nolan)
Denis and Cathy Nolan
The Nolan’s felt strongly connected with Medjugorje, with this Pope and with his direction. However, as time progressed, it seemed the conferences were falling short of their original intent.
“… Conferences had their drawbacks. Advertise “Medjugorje” and the people come. But then other visionaries and speakers with agendas would come. Medjugorje would get the room filled – but then they’d be given other schools, not the school of the Gospa. I remember once catching Marija Pavlovic on the phone when she was getting off a plane. I asked her if she got my letter inviting her to speak at the National Conference on Medjugorje. She replied: ‘Yes’. And to my question if she was going to come, she said, ‘No.’ When I asked her why, she said, ‘I think people should be coming to Medjugorje!’ I thought she didn’t understand. I understand now. Our Lady has said, ‘My Son promised me that evil will never win because you, the souls of the just, are here.’ (Feb 2, 2014). There’s a specific plan being accomplished by Heaven. It’s taking place in Medjugorje. I believe it was in 1987 that Our Lady told Jelena that the night before, Satan had offered to give back to God the rest of the world in exchange for Medjugorje. Jelena confirmed to me that really happened.” (Denis Nolan)
Conflicted about the conferences, Denis was opened to a new dream, why not bring Medjugorje to the millions of people who might never be able to make the trip to the shores of Croatia and up into the mountains to the village where Our Lady still appeared? Of course, Denis had no experience at all that would encourage him or facilitate such an endeavor.
“It was born as a vision... I need one of my sons to play a DVD in the DVD player.... absolutely zero when it comes to technology – and I had no money.... But as I told the Papal Visitor last year (2018), Our Lady is drawing together people with different talents to make Mary TV a reality.” (Denis Nolan)
Denis received further confirmations. “Vicka, one of the visionaries in Medjugorje, wrote (a) note after Our Lady spoke with her during an apparition in Medjugorje in April, 1999, about Mary TV’s plan to build a television facility in Medjugorje. Vicka wrote to Denis: ‘Our Lady says that the plan is good – but you need to wait a little. Now you can get prepared little by little, until Our Lady tells when the right moment is. You don’t need to hurry, make haste, but to be patient.’ When Our Lady said this to Vicka, the technical genius in Medjugorje that she had her eyes upon, who would begin Mary TV’s live-streaming from Medjugorje, was seven years old.”
And Pope John Paul II’s last appeal to the Church was that we not be afraid of the new technologies, but that we use them! ‘In his final apostolic letter, The Rapid Development, released by the Vatican on February 21, 2005, Pope John Paul II told us the use of modern communications technologies ‘is the responsibility of each and every one…an integral part of the Church’s mission in the third millennium… ‘The first Areopagus of modern times is the world of communications, which is capable of unifying humanity and transforming it into – as it is commonly referred to – a global village.’…Do not be afraid of the new technologies! These rank among the marvelous things’ – ‘inter mirifica’ - which God placed at our disposal… To Mary, who gave us the Word of life, and kept His unchanging words in her heart, do I entrust the journey of the Church in today’s world.’”
And so, Mary TV was born.
What? A TV Satellite Uplink Facility in Medjugorje
Where? Adjacent to St. James Church When? Began in 2008. Construction is complete but equipment is badly needed.
Who? “Mary TV”, a lay apostolate founded by Denis Nolan in communion with the Church, established to answer Our Lady’s call, to put at the Gospa’s service modern communication technologies to bring her presence in Medjugorje – and her school in Medjugorje – to the world and to respond to Pope John Paul II’s appeal.
How to view? Visit:
Where does the station stand now?
Denis writes: March 5, 2019 - Dear Mary TV Family, sailing with Our Lady upon the digital sea! Thank you for your generous response to Mary TV’s initial matching grant appeal. You made it a resounding success. To participate in spreading Our Lady's message through MaryTV, please visit and donate:
Mary TV Studio in Medjugorje
Mary TV’s television studio (above) is now ready to be equipped. Our engineering room, control room, elevator, stairs, bathrooms, etc. – our entire facility in Medjugorje, is finished and ready to become operational. All we need is the equipment!
This will be expensive. But, by the grace of God, a generous donor has just come forward with a new $85,000 matching grant. If Mary TV receives $85,000 in donations – that amount will be doubled! And $170,000 is what we need!
Thank you to all of you who have been supporting Mary TV through so many years. We’re making one final push! 2019 is an important year in Our Lady’s Plan.
To join in the matching gift for the new studio in Medjugorje, click on the link to our donation page below. Remember to mention that you want to give your gift as part of the Studio Matching Grant when you donate!
Please also help us by spreading this appeal. Thank you and God bless you!
Beginning this summer, tours of Mary TV can be arranged with Rosie at Rosie’s Tea House in Medjugorje.
Visit Today!